Thursday, June 11, 2015

Exploring The Flexibility Of VoIP

voip-business-phoneThere are few technologies that have been as disruptive as VoIP.
While that may make it sound like a negative development, that is far from the case in the instance of IP telephony. In tech circles, “disruptive” means something coming along that challenges conventional notions of specific devices and services. In the instance of voice connections, VoIP has liberated both private users and enterprise operations from the limitations of landline telephones. By placing and receiving calls over the Internet, costs can be lowered and systems can be more easily manipulated through a digital interface.
This is what truly makes VoIP a disruptive technology – it’s inherent flexibility. Be it addition of new extensions, the activation of hold music or undertaking the quest of unified communications, VoIP has taken voice to new places that were once only the stuff of dreams for many companies. It can be taken further with greater ease than its copper-based predecessor ever could have been. Simply put, it changed the game.
The flexibility of VoIP is altering business phone service in a major way. By running voice signals through data lines, organizations of all kinds stand to gain advanced telecom infrastructures.
VoIP Means Only Paying For What Is Used
One of the big benefits of VoIP is that it does not require excessive wiring to add a new line. Not only that, but the digital nature of VoIP telephone service means that extensions can be removed with just as great of ease.
Are some employees who will need network access only coming aboard temporarily? It used to be that businesses needed to take on the extra costs associated with keeping certain extensions in their arsenal of connections. Using VoIP allows these lines to be added and eliminated almost at whim, with no additional cost beyond what will be paid to use it when the situation arises.
Extra Features Can Be Easily Leveraged 
There are plenty of voice advantages that can easily be taken for granted. It used to be much harder to set up things like voicemail and call waiting, namely on the large scale that companies demand. But with business VoIP, getting these tools into the hands of the people that need them can be as easy as clicking a mouse.
Telephony features like call forwarding, voice-to-text message transcription and more are able to be brought into the fold without the complications that were once indicative of phone networks. Staff members who have access to these abilities are likely to be much more productive than was possible previous to a VoIP deployment.
Unified Communications: The Ultimate VoIP Feature
There has been a stark segmentation of many telecom devices that has held organizations back for years. Voice has, on many occasions, needed to be used in a meaningful way with tools like email, but the technology just didn’t exist – until more recently, that is. Now that phone calls are being viewed more as just another digital connection, many of the walls preventing unified communications are coming down. VoIP phone services, when utilized effectively, are the definition of flexibility in terms of working alongside other channels.
Work Itself Becomes Flexible With VoIP
The modern workforce is much different that the ones of previous eras. Thanks to new technology, there is a greater importance placed on being able to balance work and home life. Because they have the ability to effectively work from wherever they want to, employees are starting to demand the option to work outside of the office.
Present-day enterprises need to present themselves as relevant and forward-thinking – both to their customers and their staff members. By undertaking a VoIP integration initiative, organizations of any kind can build strong morale amongst their employees while fostering innovation.

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