Big Brother 17 is the seventeenth season of the American reality television series Big Brother. The season premiered on June 24, 2015 on CBS, and will once again be a two night launch with the following episode airing on June 25, 2015. The season will end on September 23, 2015 with a 90-minute season finale following the fall season premiere of Survivor: Cambodia. This season is set to last 98 days, making it the longest season of the American version to date by one day
Season development
On September 24, 2014, CBS announced that it had renewed Big Brother for its seventeenth and eighteenth editions for broadcast in summer 2015 and 2016, respectively. The series would continue to be hosted by Julie Chen.
On June 15, 2015, CBS released pictures of the house via Entertainment Tonight, which has a modern steel beach house theme. The upstairs is 155 square feet larger than in previous seasons, due to the incorporation of a glass bridge added in by Big Brother house designer Scott Storey.[4] Season 17 is the first season for which the live feeds will be bundled with CBS All Access, an over-the-top streaming service launched by CBS in January 2015 that allows users to view past and present episodes of CBS shows, and includes the live feeds and special Big Brother content.[5] On June 16, 2015, CBS announced the names of fourteen HouseGuests; like the previous two seasons, the cast consisted of only new players and no returnees.
Battle of the Block
Returning from the previous season, this season includes the Battle of the Block twist, in which there are two Heads of Household. Each HoH would nominate two other HouseGuests for eviction, totaling four nominees. The two pairs of nominees would then compete in the Battle of the Block competition; the winning pair would be removed from the block, with the HoH who nominated them dethroned. The dethroned HoH would later be eligible to be nominated after the Power of Veto has been used, however the Battle of the Block winners are safe for the rest of the week. The rest of the cycle would continue as per usual, with the remaining HoH retaining immunity for the week, and the two nominees being eligible for safety through the Power of Veto.
BB Takeover
CBS announced the season's unique twist, BB Takeover, on June 17, 2015. Each week, a surprise guest will visit the house to reveal a different twist to the House Guests.
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